The Kwik Chek is another one of those Memphis oddities that somehow just works. In short, it is a Mediterranean/Korean restaurant located in a gas station that sells food. Odd, I know. Odd, but delicious! It is located on Madison Avenue, and is marked by a sign that says Kwik Chek and you might pass it by assuming it is a mini mart.
Once you get inside, the experience continues. You walk to the back of the store to order from the menu that has everything from Bi Bim Bop (my favorite!) which is a Korean rice dish that comes in a steaming hot bowl and continues to cook as it arrives at the table, to subs to kabobs to gyros. Really unique, but all delicious. After you order back here:
You then grab a drink out of one of the coolers, then pick out a table and sit down and wait for your meal to be brought to your table.
If you order the Bi Bim Bop, it comes out looking like this! It is served with an egg sunny side up and chopsticks, and when it gets to the table, start stirring and the egg cooks as you stir. Bi Bim Bop is totally unique and yummy. And TOTALLY not what you would picture yourself ordering when you look at the outside of the Kwik Chek. But go on, take a walk on the wild side, do it. Its delicious.
You can also order a Ninja sub, which is another favorite. At the end of the meal, you go to the check out and just tell them what you had to eat and what drink you had. I'm going in to detail about this, because it can be a little awkward the first time if you don't know what to do! So be brave and try it the first time even though it looks a little funny. You will love it! And try the Bi Bim Bop! If anything, because it might be the most fun name of any food ever!