I haven't been doing much blogging so I'm going to do some catching up tonight. First off, last weekend we finally got the house somewhat unpacked and set up. Still have some leftover random furniture that Brian said we should give away as door prizes to anyone that came over, but we didn't have any takers...We took a few pictures, but I should have taken more! We have six second year residents and six first year residents, and almost everyone was able to come with their spouses and kids. It was fun to get to use the new kitchen to make dinner for everyone, make some of my favorite appetizers, and use some of my party paper products. I have come to realize after getting married that I have a bit of an addiction to paper products, napkins, decorations, serving platters, tablecloths, and anything that I can say "it would be great for a party". I have more of these "party supplies" than I've had parties in my life. I get it from my mom and she got it from her mom. I wish I had pictures of my mom's party supply closet for any occasion. Anyway, it was a great excuse to have everyone together and meet their families annnnddd use party supplies!

The Kunkels on the couch and their cute daughter, and Kevin on the left!
Scott and his fun kids eating some dinner! They were super party kids and stayed up watching cartoons at our house later than anyone, annnddd Scott says they sleep in until 11 every day. Lucky!
Karen and her husband who just had a baby one week ago!
Kate and Renalie and some of the food. I went with my go to entree- Poppyseed Chicken Casserole. This is my favorite meal my mom makes, and its easy and yummy. I think every southern mom has some version of this casserole.
Braving the 100 degree heat to eat on our back patio.
Sarah, Renalie and Emily
Thank goodness Kate and Chase were smart enough to bring this awesome train track and trains. All the kids got here and we realized we had nothing fun for kids! They saved the day with this- the kids loved it.
And here are some of us earlier that day at an outreach event at a community center in Memphis. Check out my awesome white socks. Stylin.
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